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The agreement is currently being scrutinised by both the trade committee and the committee on foreign affairs, and the Parliament could vote as early as February 23 - although it still has to option to ask for an extension. Erasmus is a European Union student exchange programme which was established in 1987. Speaking in December, Mr Johnson announced the UK would instead set up its own scheme, to be named after UK computing pioneer Alan Turing, with “the best universities in the world”. However, MEPs are pushing for last-minute changes, with Terry Reintke, a member of the Green Party from the Netherlands, tweeting: “Together with 144 colleagues - I have sent this letter to the Commission: “To explore ways for Scotland and Wales to stay in Erasmus. “For me, it is also a tribute to all the wonderful people who made me feel welcome and at home in Edinburgh during my own Erasmus year.” In a separate comment piece posted on the EU Observer website, Markus Gastinger, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Austria’s University of Salzburg, argued the assembly should go even further.