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Against this background, we believe exploring the main determinants of individuals’ intention to engage in pro-environmental consumption behavior in the post COVID-19 era represents an interesting research opportunities. According to the traditional construct of the Theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen (1991), consumer intention to perform one specific behavior relies on three internal factors: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Specific researches in the field of sustainable production and consumption have suggested that the Theory of planned behavior can be further integrated with other factors such as environmental awareness, willingness to pay a price premium, moral obligation, self‐identity, habits, emotions, and extrinsic motive factors, such as Government’s role or media exposure. In order to explore the influence of the COVID-19 on consumers’ intention to engage in pro-environmental behaviors, we introduce the tangibility construct, that is, the proximity of consumers to a particular disaster in human history, such as wars, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, financial crises, famines, as well as pandemics.