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Are you seeing how full my hips are right now, subconscious mind? These broad and beautiful hips prove that I have excellent genetics. My hips keep getting fuller every time I see my reflection, which I am sure is the work of my subconscious mind. I want my hips to be wider than anything else I've ever seen, and since I'm a Master at Manifestation, I already know that my desire will come true. And I guessed right cause my hips just got broader, just like I wanted, OMG! I can feel my hips expanding. I look like I got an excessive BBL now that I think about it. The best thing about having such wide hips is that all bottoms look great on me, from jeans to cargo jeans, to skirts and leggings. I know the feeling of having everybody compliment your hips and wishing they had them. In my case, my curvaceous hips are only due to my genetics and bone structure. I have just the right amount of fat on my hips to make them look round, plus they complement my overall body shape. I have what people call a low and narrow ilium flare. In addition, my trochanters are wide and high. I know this already, but damn, my hips are thick! The fact that I have natural hips while others buy shapewear to have hips like mine gives me the feeling that life is on my side. Although my hips look too good to be natural, they are! I absolutely love my rounded hips. I have an insanely low hip flare that looks great on me. My hips are looking mighty fine today as they always do. The gap between my femur and pelvis is very narrow. The pelvis shape I have is gynecoid, which is common among women. My smooth round hips prove that there is very little space between my ilium flare and trochanter. I have beautiful round hips because of the shape of my pelvis. It always makes me smile when I remember that people work out or undergo surgeries to have round hips, and I have them naturally. I have all the best genes, as proven by my wide, symmetrical hips. I always look good in dresses because of my hips. My hip bones are perfectly shaped, allowing me to have wider hips. I have a wide pelvis, as shown by my hips, and my wide pelvis results in my wide hips. In my case, my hips flare out from the upper thighs down to the middle of my thighs. Every day, I hear compliments like, "Wow, your hips are so lovely," or "I wish I had your body." A day in my life as a person with wide hips is quite simple. Getting ready for the day, I praise my hips, going out, other people praising my hips, returning home, doing everything needed, sleeping, and repeating. That is my life in a nutshell. Each time I finish a meal, I see how my hips are getting fuller as all the fat goes down to my hips. Right now, I manifested insanely wide hips, even though I already have wide hips, which is obviously my subconscious mind at work.