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Hello, welcome to the segment on Approve Actions. In this module, we will discuss, Approval Actions Approval Actions The actions related to approval are approve action, reject action, request information, reassign action. As a Purchasing Event, a Purchase Order is submitted for approval. Approver Participant receives both, an email and a worklist notification. The approver participant can take actions such as Approve, Reject, Reassign or Request Information. Based on the approver's action, a PO gets routed further for approval or comes back to the buyer for additional information requested. Once approved by all the approver participants, a PO is deemed as Approved. One of the below approval actions should be taken by the approver participants when a Purchase Order is submitted for approval. Approve, Reject, Reassign, or Request Information. Submit a Purchase Order and the Approver participant takes Approve Action. Login as Buyer, create Purchase Order and submit for approval. Login as Approver. Click the Approve Purchase Order hyperlink from the notification bell at the top right, next to the initials. In the next window, review the approval notification, and other details like Buyer, Charge Account, and Requisition. Once reviewed, click on the Approve button on the top right in the Approve Purchase Order screen. The Purchase Order moves further in the DoA to future participants seeking approvals. An email is sent to the approver. Review the approval notification, other details like Buyer, Charge Account, Requisition, et cetera. Once reviewed, click the Approve button on the screen. The PO moves further in the DoA to future participants seeking approvals. Now after submitting, a Purchase Order and Approver participant takes Reject Action. Log in as a Buyer, create a Purchase Order, and submit for approval. Login as an Approver. Click the Approve Purchase Order hyperlink from the notification bell at the top right, next to the user’s initials. In the next window, review the approval notification, and other details like Buyer, Charge Account, and Requisition. Once reviewed, click on the Reject button on the top right in the Approve Purchase Order screen. Once the user clicks on the Reject button, a Reject pop up dialog will appear and the Approver has to enter the rejection comments and then click on Submit. The requisition goes back to the Buyer in the rejected status for resubmission as per the rejection comments provided. An email is sent to the approver. Review the approval notification, and other details like Buyer, Charge Account, and Requisition. Once reviewed, click on the Reject button on the screen. Now, the requisition goes back to the Buyer in rejected status for resubmission as per the rejection comments provided. Submit a Purchase Order and the Approver participant takes REASSIGN Action. Log in as a Buyer, create a Purchase Order, and submit for approval. Now, log in as Approver. Click on the Approve Purchase Order hyperlink from the notification bell at the top right, next to the user’s initials. Review the approval notification, and other details like Buyer, Charge Account, and Requisition. Once reviewed, click on the Actions dropdown and then click Reassign. Select the name of the Approver to whom the PO needs to be reassigned and if needed, enter the comments. Click on the Name Dropdown and click on the Search button. Select a Name, enter the comments, and click on Submit. The Purchase Order approval will get reassigned to the person selected. Submit a Purchase Order and the Approver participant Requests Information. Log in as a Buyer, create a Purchase Order and submit it for approval. Login as an Approver. Click on the Approve Purchase Order hyperlink from the notification bell at the top right, next to the user’s initials. Review the approval notification, and other details like Buyer, Charge Account, and Requisition. Once reviewed, click on the Actions dropdown and then click Reassign. In case additional information needs to be requested from other than Buyer, enter the user name accordingly. Enter comments in the mandatory Comment section. Select Returns options like Back to me, in case the requested information needs to be returned only to the approver requesting the additional information. Select the option Follow Approval flow, in case the PO needs to follow the entire approval flow again. Now, click on Submit. The buyer will be notified. Log in as a buyer. Click on the Bell icon notifications and click on the notification that says Approve Purchase Order. Review the information requested by the approval participant. Once requested info is reviewed, click on Action Dropdown and select Submit Information. Enter comments in the mandatory Comment section and attach a file, if any, and click on Submit. Login as Approver who requested info from Buyer. Then click on Worklist Notification and click on Approve Purchase Order XXX1234 hyperlink. Review the Information Submitted as a response from the requester. Accordingly take Action as Approve or reject or reassign. Thank You.