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I’ve wanted to talk about this for a long ass time but i keep stuttering so here it is. I might phrase a few things wrong cause this shit has been irking me since it’s become a trend so here; “Mentally ill Alt” TikTok is giving me very much anti-recovery tumblr. The tiktoks that talk about mental illness creates the same environment as anti-recovery Tumblr, everyone is always Jockeying to constantly be the worst. Sometimes it feels like people are trying to show off their mental illnesses and how deep they’ve gotten. Yall need to shut the fuck up about “you don’t know depression until...” like it shouldn’t be a competition in the first place. all this literally makes it seem like you don’t want to get better. You want to sit like crabs in a bucket and constantly go “I am worse than you”. That isn’t going to help you, you need to get out of anti-recovery spaces if you want to get better.