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Prince Omali of Neverland always gets what he wants, but was one day turned down by the king when he requested a 2021 Ferrari S P A! In his rage he destroyed a prized picture, which stood as a reminder of the family’s past struggles. Unfortunately, beneath the destruction of that picture lies a portal which warped him to an unknow island, where he must learn to survive in the Jungle of ostrestos to become Neverland’s next King. In ostrestos everything is ruled by the dreadful King Xanambi who recklessly rules with his iron claw, while the jungle slowly depreciates to a mere shadow of its former glory. Having gotten a vision of a better king, the wise monkey Babbimbi, welcomed Prince Omali to the jungle, and groomed him into the King that the jungle truly desires. However, to make this vision a reality, the prince must overcome obstacles which will build him into a selfless ruler, as he learns survival skills and works his way up to d throning King Xanambi. Knowing that there is a foreigner after his kingdom, King Xanambi devotes all his efforts and power to finding the prince. However, the question still remains: Will the prince maintain his survival stride, by d throning King Xanambi and fully overcome, his selfish pride.